Conflict of Interests


As a portfolio management company, during the normal course of its business BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT Europe is liable to face certain conflicts of interest in which its own interests and/or those of its clients and/or those of its employees may conflict, whether directly or indirectly. BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT Europe manages such conflicts of interest, both real and potential, in order to avoid abusing any such situation or violating its obligations vis-à-vis its clients, such as defined under applicable laws and regulations.

The policy of BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT Europe covering conflicts of interest is based on:

Identifying potential conflicts;

  • Highlighting the appropriate regulations or procedures for preventing or managing such conflicts;
  • Devising and implementing such procedures;
  • Introducing a register;
  • Where a conflict of interest cannot be avoided, implementing client notification procedures;
  • Implementing a framework for processing cases not identified during the above steps;
  • Delivering employee training and raising awareness.

Given the fiduciary nature of its management services on behalf of third parties, BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT Europe attaches particular importance to identifying, preventing and managing any conflicts of interest that may arise. The process of arbitrating of conflicts of interest is the responsibility of Compliance. Should it not be possible to settle a given conflict at local level, it must be submitted to the Compliance Officer of BNP PARIBAS ASSET MANAGEMENT Europe. Ethical and operational procedures are also audited at multiple levels, involving operational personnel, their line management, the Compliance & Internal Control Officer and periodic audit conducted by the Group.